The Julia library PositiveIntegrators.jl provides several time integration methods developed to preserve the positivity of numerical solutions.
PositiveIntegrators.jl is a registered Julia package. Thus, you can install it from the Julia REPL via
julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add("PositiveIntegrators")
If you want to update PositiveIntegrators.jl, you can use
julia> using Pkg; Pkg.update("PositiveIntegrators")
As usual, if you want to update PositiveIntegrators.jl and all other packages in your current project, you can execute
julia> using Pkg; Pkg.update()
Basic examples
Modified Patankar-Runge-Kutta schemes
Modified Patankar-Runge-Kutta (MPRK) schemes are unconditionally positive and conservative time integration schemes for the solution of positive and conservative ODE systems. The application of these methods is based on the representation of the ODE system as a so-called production-destruction system (PDS).
Production-destruction systems (PDS)
The application of MPRK schemes requires the ODE system to be represented as a production-destruction system (PDS). A PDS takes the general form
\[ u_i'(t) = \sum_{j=1}^N \bigl(p_{ij}(t,\boldsymbol u) - d_{ij}(t,\boldsymbol u)\bigr),\quad i=1,\dots,N,\]
where $\boldsymbol u=(u_1,\dots,u_n)^T$ is the vector of unknowns and both production terms $p_{ij}(t,\boldsymbol u)$ and destruction terms $d_{ij}(t,\boldsymbol u)$ must be nonnegative for all $i,j=1,\dots,N$. The meaning behind $p_{ij}$ and $d_{ij}$ is as follows:
- $p_{ij}$ with $i\ne j$ represents the sum of all nonnegative terms which appear in equation $i$ with a positive sign and in equation $j$ with a negative sign.
- $d_{ij}$ with $i\ne j$ represents the sum of all nonnegative terms which appear in equation $i$ with a negative sign and in equation $j$ with a positive sign.
- $p_{ii}$ represents the sum of all nonnegative terms which appear in equation $i$ and don't have a negative counterpart in one of the other equations.
- $d_{ii}$ represents the sum of all negative terms which appear in equation $i$ and don't have a positive counterpart in one of the other equations.
This naming convention leads to $p_{ij} = d_{ji}$ for $i≠ j$ and therefore a PDS is completely defined by the production matrix $\mathbf{P}=(p_{ij})_{i,j=1,\dots,N}$ and the destruction vector $\mathbf{d}=(d_{ii})_{i=1,\dots,N}$.
As an example we consider the Lotka-Volterra model
\[\begin{aligned} u_1' &= 2u_1-u_1u_2,\\ u_2' &= u_1u_2-u_2, \end{aligned}\]
which always has positive solutions if positive initial values are supplied. Assuming $u_1,u_2>0$, the above naming scheme results in
\[\begin{aligned} p_{11}(u_1,u_2) &= 2u_1,\\ p_{21}(u_1,u_2) &= u_1u_2 = d_{12}(u_1,u_2) ,\\ d_{22}(u_1,u_2) &= u_2, \end{aligned}\]
where all remaining production and destruction terms are zero. Consequently the production matrix $\mathbf P$ and destruction vector $\mathbf d$ are
\[\mathbf P(u_1,u_2) = \begin{pmatrix}2u_1 & 0\\ u_1u_2 & 0\end{pmatrix},\quad \mathbf d(u_1,u_2) = \begin{pmatrix}0\\ u_2\end{pmatrix}.\]
To solve this PDS together with initial values $u_1(0)=u_2(0)=2$ on the time domain $(0,10)$, we first need to create a PDSProblem
using PositiveIntegrators # load PDSProblem
P(u, p, t) = [2*u[1] 0; u[1]*u[2] 0] # Production matrix
d(u, p, t) = [0; u[2]] # Destruction vector
u0 = [2.0; 2.0] # initial values
tspan = (0.0, 10.0) # time span
# Create PDS
prob = PDSProblem(P, d, u0, tspan)
Now that the problem has been created, we can solve it with any method of PositiveIntegrators.jl. In the following, we use the method MPRK22(1.0)
. In addition, we could also use any method provided by OrdinaryDiffEq.jl, but these might possibly generate negative approximations.
sol = solve(prob, MPRK22(1.0))
Finally, we can use Plots.jl to visualize the solution.
using Plots
Conservative production-destruction systems
A PDS with the additional property
\[ p_{ii}(t,\boldsymbol y)=d_{ii}(t,\boldsymbol y)=0\]
for $i=1,\dots,N$ is called conservative. In this case we have $p_{ij}=d_{ji}$ for all $i,j=1,\dots,N$, which leads to
\[\frac{d}{dt}\sum_{i=1}^N y_i=\sum_{i=1}^N y_i' = \sum_{\mathclap{i,j=1}}^N \bigl(p_{ij}(t,\boldsymbol y) - d_{ij}(t,\boldsymbol y)\bigr)= \sum_{\mathclap{i,j=1}}^N \bigl(p_{ij}(t,\boldsymbol y) - p_{ji}(t,\boldsymbol y)\bigr) = 0.\]
This shows that the sum of the state variables of a conservative PDS remains constant over time, i.e.
\[\sum_{i=1}^N y_i(t) = \sum_{i=1}^N y_i(0)\]
for all times $t>0$.
One specific example of a conservative PDS is the SIR model
\[S' = -\frac{β S I}{N},\quad I'= \frac{β S I}{N} - γ I,\quad R'=γ I,\]
with $N=S+I+R$ and $\beta,\gamma>0$. Assuming $S,I,R>0$ the production and destruction terms are given by
\[p_{21}(S,I,R) = d_{12}(S,I,R) = \frac{β S I}{N},\quad p_{32}(S,I,R) = d_{23}(S,I,R) = γ I,\]
where the remaining production and destruction terms are zero. The corresponding production matrix $\mathbf P$ is
\[\mathbf P(S,I,R) = \begin{pmatrix}0 & 0 & 0\\ \frac{β S I}{N} & 0 & 0\\ 0 & γ I & 0\end{pmatrix}.\]
The following example shows how to implement the above SIR model with $\beta=0.4, \gamma=0.04$, initial conditions $S(0)=997, I(0)=3, R(0)=0$ and time domain $(0, 100)$ using ConservativePDSProblem
from PositiveIntegrators.jl.
using PositiveIntegrators
# Out-of-place implementation of the P matrix for the SIR model
function P(u, p, t)
S, I, R = u
β = 0.4
γ = 0.04
N = 1000.0
P = zeros(3,3)
P[2,1] = β*S*I/N
P[3,2] = γ*I
return P
u0 = [997.0; 3.0; 0.0]; # initial values
tspan = (0.0, 100.0); # time span
# Create SIR problem
prob = ConservativePDSProblem(P, u0, tspan)
Since the SIR model is not only conservative but also positive, we can use any scheme from PositiveIntegrators.jl to solve it. Here we use MPRK22(1.0)
. Please note that any method from OrdinaryDiffEq.jl can be used as well, but might possibly generate negative approximations.
sol = solve(prob, MPRK22(1.0))
Finally, we can use Plots.jl to visualize the solution.
using Plots
plot(sol, label = ["S" "I" "R"], legend=:right)
plot!(sol.t, sum.(sol.u), label = "S+I+R") # Plot S+I+R over time.
We see that there is always a nonnegative number of people in each compartment, while the population $S+I+R$ remains constant over time.
If you use PositiveIntegrators.jl for your research, please cite it using the bibtex entry
title={{PositiveIntegrators.jl}: {A} {J}ulia library of positivity-preserving
time integration methods},
author={Kopecz, Stefan and Ranocha, Hendrik and contributors},
License and contributing
This project is licensed under the MIT license (see License). Since it is an open-source project, we are very happy to accept contributions from the community. Please refer to the section Contributing for more details.